The end result of search engine optimization, or SEO, is of course to climb up the search engine rankings. The closer you are to the number one spot on the search results for any given keyword, the more traffic you will see on your site. This has obvious benefits, and makes it clear why SEO is a must for any business to be successful online. But SEO often works in mysterious ways. As an example, if somebody writes a negative review on you, this can actually be good for SEO. This, obviously applies for Spanish SEO as well as English SEO.
To understand why this is the case, you need to understand how the search engines operate. Google does not release its algorithm to the public, so nobody knows exactly how it works. Even so, experts throughout the industry have noticed indisputable trends. The most important factor in search engine rankings is the backlink. A backlink is a link that another site points to your site. Google considers backlinks to be an indicator of the authority of a site. The more sites linking to your site, the higher your site will climb in the search engines.
There is more to the process than that, of course. If the link comes from a site that itself has a great deal of links pointing toward it, that link has more influence. If the link comes from a site that has been identified as selling links, the link may actually have a negative impact. In general, however, if a link points toward your site, this is a good thing.
Blog commenting in the eyes of Google
When it comes to reviews and blog comments, this means that a link from a comment or a review will be good for your search engine rankings, even if the tone of the comment is negative. As long as the link points toward your site, it means that you will rate closer to the top of the search engine listings.
Some sites add a "nofollow" tag to any link posted on the site in an effort to reduce spam. This tag tells the search engines not to use the link for search engine rankings. In reality, it is up to the search engines whether or not to pay attention to the nofollow tag, and there is a possibility that nofollow tags actually play a part in the search engine rankings. Inevitably, they would receive a lower weight than "dofollow" links, but they may still play a part, although some say that it may do more harm than good when it comes to Google.
What has been your experience with blog commenting? Do you think that in the eyes of Google, blog commenting is bane?
Search engine optimization is a very important tactic when it comes to driving traffic to your site. It is so important that many people overlook the fact that it is not everything. As a matter of fact, if you rely too heavily on obtaining links in order to promote your site, you could end up setting yourself up for trouble in the future. Social media is becoming more and more important when it comes to receiving traffic. People are more likely to trust a site if it is recommended to them through a social network than if they find it through an internet search. In short, the internet is becoming less of a directory and more of a community. Entrepreneurs who fail to realize this could find themselves falling behind.
A website needs to be appealing not only to a search engine algorithm, but to an actual visitor. Even if search engine optimization continues to be the most important factor in driving traffic to a website, all of the effort will be for nothing if most of the visitors do not find the content to be appealing to them. In the present day, a Facebook account might seem more like an afterthought than a central part of internet marketing. This very well could change in the near future. It might not even be Facebook itself, but there is a good chance that some kind of social networking system will play a major part in the success or failure of online business not too long from now.
Social media removes a layer of abstraction
Social media and social networking remove a layer of abstraction from the process of finding information on the internet. A customer looking for a specific product is more likely to trust the judgment of other people than the judgment of a machine. The reason that Google uses backlinks as a measure of the credibility of a site is the fact that when a person links to a site, it often indicates that they like it, or that they feel it is in some way important. Social networking is a more direct way for people to indicate that they like something, and even allows them to say that they dislike it. As social networking becomes more important, these rankings will play a major part in the long term reputation of a site.
A strong social media campaign today could equal good SEO tomorrow
Social media will only become more important in the future. It has always been the intention of the internet to serve as a network. The social network is an integral part of this. People trust the judgment of others more than they trust the judgment of an algorithm. There is a good possibility that search engine rankings themselves will be heavily influenced by social media. Google and Bing know that indications of whether or not people like a site are important. If they want to provide internet searchers with search engine results that they will be pleased with, they will continue to place more and more importance on social media. In the end, social media today could equal SEO in the future.
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The traditional opinion about Spanish SEO campaigns leads many people to think that, although Spanish is one of the most widely used languages on the face of the earth, it just isn't useful to launch SEO campaigns in Spanish. Such campaigns are not useful because the majority of Spanish speaking countries have not yet caught up to the United States and other highly networked countries in terms of connecting the population to the internet, which means there is not very much Spanish content around the internet in comparison to content in English, Japanese, French, or similar languages. It would be wonderful and profitable to invest in Spanish language SEO campaigns in theory, but in practicality, it just isn't worth the money to dabble in Spanish SEO.
Not too long ago, this information may have had some truth to it. However, there have been great changes in the Hispanic market over the last decade. An increasing number of people who speak Spanish throughout Latin America are getting online, and as a result of this increase in connected consumers, there has been a rapid increase in the amount and diversity of Spanish language content on the internet. Another effect that is even more relevant and should be discussed is that growing numbers of Spanish language speakers have begun to perform searches online. While SEO campaigns in Spanish may have experienced minor to nonexistent success in the last 10 years, the future is likely to be very different.
So, just how much more Spanish content has become available over the internet over the last few years?
Think about it this way: in the early to first part of the 1990s, virtually all search engines online were in English. If you wanted to conduct a search on the web for information, you had to know enough English to make the search in English, as there weren't any other search engines and languages to choose from. However, the web today has become a haven for all languages, and there has been unprecedented growth in material and content for every spoken and written language.
According to a recent Nielsen report about Hispanic media usage within the United States, nearly 40 percent of consumers who primarily speak English use some kind of internet site in Spanish every day. Furthermore, more Hispanics are acquiring their own computers and at least half of Spanish only speakers are now online.
It would be wise not to ignore the growth of information available online to satisfy the Hispanic market. Businesses who are interested in finding traffic from new directions should strongly consider languages not already spoken in Brazil, Russia, India, and China. There will be even more opportunities for Spanish SEO campaigns as more Spanish language speakers come online. Investing in this growing market today can pay huge dividends tomorrow.
In conclusion, while it is obvious that people are not bound to languages or one dimensional beings, not all businesses seem to realize this when it comes to SEO campaigns. Businesses that are serious about reaching more members of the Hispanic community in the United States would be well advised to connect to their audiences through SEO campaigns in Spanish that are cost effective. Such campaigns can form the backbone of an overall search engine marketing strategy a company forms to target a Hispanic audience.
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Although the theme of this blog relates to Spanish SEO, the distinction between organic keywords and PPC keywords is a general concept. Therefore, this specific blog post can provide new insights to anyone, whether you're a Spanish SEO, English SEO or Chinese SEO professional.
Keywords are arguably the most important factor in online marketing. The two main types of keywords are those that are used organically for search engine optimization (SEO) and those used for pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns.
With PPC keywords, it is possible to experiment with many different variations used in a variety of approaches. The amount of work required to test PPC keywords is not overly burdensome. In most cases, these keywords are used in short text ads that are relatively easy to tweak.
Organic keywords, however, are a much different matter. Unlike those used for PPC campaigns, which often involve bidding for top positioning, keywords used for SEO must appeal to search engine algorithms to obtain competitive results. For example, if one is targeting the Hispanic travel market, it will be necessary to first find out what organic keywords commonly occur in searches made by this demographic sector.
A number of free and paid tools exist that can help Hispanic marketers find focused keywords for their specific businesses. Among the most popular resources of this type is the Google AdWords Keyword Tool ( While anyone can use this tool at the basic level, users must activate an AdWords account to take full advantage of all its features. Another way to research keywords and keyphrases is to use Google Trends (, a search interface that provides detailed search statistics on Google queries.
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Using either of these Google resources, one simply enters in relevant words and phrases to see how popular they are among search engine users. The keyword tool also provides a list of related searches for any keyword you enter. For example, if one searches for "Mexico travel," a list of keywords appears that includes other search queries like "Mexico vacation packages" and "cheap flights to Mexico City." By using this resource, online marketers can create their own list of targeted organic keywords to use on their web pages.
Tracking results In order to achieve maximum return on investment (ROI), web marketers must continuously monitor the performance of both organic and PPC keywords.
For SEO purposes, it is usually a good idea to limit the number of keywords to no more than 20 for any campaign unless one is performing a long tail strategy, but this is a concept for another blog post. For any specific page, web marketers might want to focus on only one or at the most a few targeted keywords. By limiting the number of keywords, marketers can concentrate their resources on achieving results, while too many keywords can end up spreading one's efforts too thin.
Search terms can be reviewed on a monthly basis to see which keywords are performing adequately. Tracking software, like the free Google Analytics service, allows users to see which keywords are generating traffic and resulting in conversions. The web marketer will be able to examine where the traffic is coming from; how long users stay at the website; whether users click on anything while at the site; along with many other important tracking statistics. By analyzing keywords regularly, those that are performing can be eliminated or replaced to improve ROI.
Some keywords may produce a high flow of traffic, but of users that are not focused toward your business. Analytical software often allows you to detect such unfocused traffic and tweak the keywords to bring in users that are more inclined toward your products or services.
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Increase The Effectiveness Of Your Listings With Spanish Directory Submission Service
Translating and optimizing a Web site for Spanish and English audiences is only part of the search engine optimization battle. After targeting key phrases and keywords for specific search engines, it’s time to make some additional decisions. They could be the most important decisions of your venture’s lifetime. Some people opt to quit after optimizing for Spanish and English. They expect visitors to flood into the Web site without any additional work on the part of the owner. This is the wrong decision.
It’s advisable to take optimization to a whole new level by utilizing a strategy called off-page search engine optimization. There are many ways to go about using an off-page SEO technique, but the most affordable is to submit your Web site to free and paid SEO-friendly Spanish directories. By doing this, you gain visibility in the Spanish market and acquire greater exposure for your Web site in search engines, which is one of the primary goals of any site operator.
Gain visibility in the Spanish market with the help of directories
There are generally two types of directories that are appropriate to submit to: General directories and specific directories. You can submit to one or both. Obviously, submitting to both directories will gain the greatest exposure for your Web site. General web directories target a broad, general audience, while industry specific directories target your primary audience.
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There are Spanish directory submission services that can help you avoid the time-consuming task of manual directory submission. Many people choose to go this route. If you’re very familiar with the Spanish language, it’s possible to do the submissions manually, though it will take a great deal of time.
The perfect blend of link building, targeting, and lead generation
The benefits of Spanish directory submission are numerous. It’s the perfect blend of link building, targeting, and lead generation. The directories basically give you permanent one-way links that are greatly valued by Spanish search engines and the audience that uses them. It helps to lead the right kind of audience to your Web site so that your sales or message is maximized. Links will always be there to lead valuable customers or subscribers to the Web site you’ve worked so hard to build.
Spanish directories are like other Internet directories. They usually have a set of requirements that Web sites must meet before being allowed to appear in the directory. It’s your responsibility to make sure that your site meets all of these requirements and is valuable to the directory it will be placed in. Your chance of appearing in the directory will be greatly increased by taking the time to read the guidelines before submission to make sure that your site qualifies. If it doesn’t, you can make the necessary changes.
If you follow this simple set of rules, your Spanish directory submissions will result in success for your business. Your site will be visible to an audience that will be receptive to your products or message, and you’ll be able to control where your site listing appears on the Internet. Directory submission services offer you a professional, simple way to make sure that everything is done by the book. Using one of these services greatly increases your chance for success.
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Spanish SEO: New Ground, Fewer Competitors, and Big Profits
A Spanish version of your small business Web site reaches a rapidly growing market that greatly expands your potential revenue. Focusing your efforts on search engine optimization for your Spanish market is as or more important than SEO efforts for your English-speaking audience. Fewer small businesses have tapped into the potential of Spanish SEO and your business will have fewer competitors.
Location-Specific Keywords and Phrases
After your initial research on SEO keywords for the online Hispanic market, it’s vital that you turn your focus to location-specific keywords. Geographic targeting is one of the many overlooked strategies of SEO marketing. While your competitors are ignoring the Hispanic market, you can capitalize on their oversight. Geo-target single words and phrases within the U.S. Hispanic community that applies to your product, company, or service. For example, pretend that you sell T-shirts. You could use location-specific keywords to market to your Hispanic audience. Localize Your Target Audience
After you’ve established the geographical market you want to target within the Hispanic community, it’s beneficial to localize your audience. Target specific names of neighborhoods where your audience reside and add this to your search engine optimization keywords. The more you target your audience and the places they live, visit, and shop, the greater your chance of appearing in search results. This will increase your revenue and customer-base.
Using Your Web Site To Reach A Neglected Audience
The SEO you implement for your Spanish market begins with an appealing Web site for your Spanish audience. Your Web site design and link must interest and engage your Hispanic audience and reach the particular geographic location you want to sell to. The language must be accurate. Particular dialects of Spanish are different, therefore you must differentiate between them and when necessary, include a separate area of your site for particularly different dialects. One language will not fit all.
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Gear your Web site toward these languages in a way that will reach each market effectively. Research the languages and determine what type of phrases and approach will work best with each one. All areas of the Web site can link to the main site, but respect each particular culture and dialect by catering to them in at least one section of the site. This shows that your business is respectful of the Hispanic community and truly wants to give them the shopping experience that most English-speaking shoppers take for granted. It will reflect well on your business and enable you to appear in search results that your competitors haven’t effectively prepared for.
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Partner with Hispanic Market Advisors
We are eager to help you achieve your goals and reach a market that the Internet has largely ignored. This is a community of people who are anxious to shop online but find that most businesses completely ignore their needs in favor of English-speaking audiences. It’s a less competitive market that gives even small businesses a chance to score big. If you want to reach a large audience of people who will be grateful and loyal to you for giving them a shopping experience they deserve, please contact us now for a free analysis of your current Web site and Internet strategy. We are confident that we can help you reach a Hispanic market that will increase your revenues and reputation.
Return of investment (ROI) measurements for Spanish-language Web sites can be difficult to calculate when they are included in a U.S. marketing campaign. It’s always difficult to gauge the performance of any business Web site, much less a site that contains additional variables due to language differences. Hard metrics are the typical mode of measurement, but when a Spanish-language site is figured into the equation, complications arise.
There are niche marketing companies, such as Hispanic Market Advisors, that have entered the field of play to fulfill this special need. They have the necessary knowledge it takes to account for IT and localization costs, and they take a snapshot of metrics that factor in the variable of language. Even though these specialists help, small to medium sized businesses still must work overtime to ensure that their measurements of Spanish Web site ROI are accurate.
Understand Your Target Audience Through Customer Research
There is always thorough customer research behind any successful Spanish Web site. Hispanic populations vary by region, with each sub-culture sporting its own unique brand of trends and language. Businesses that do their homework and gather in-depth research about their customers understand the cultural norms and trends of each Hispanic community. With this research in hand, they communicate directly with their audience via the language and merchandise available on their Spanish Web sites.
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Set the Standards for your Hispanic Online Campaigns
The key is to measuring ROI. These niche marketing companies that are advising businesses entering the Hispanic market can give their clients’ marketing executives and marketing managers tools to set the standards by which they measure the effectiveness of their Web site. Every company judges its success by different standards. To one company, a large number of total visitors daily is success. To another, a large number of page views means nothing if those views don’t convert to sales. Measurement guidelines can be established. These specialists make it a lot easier to do your work while leaving the ROI measurements to them.
In addition to measuring the ROI of your Spanish Web site, it’s important to measure the overall effect your Spanish Web sites are having on your brand name. To measure this, standards are set and standards are measured against English-speaking sites and content. It’s important to measure your Spanish-speaking areas with your English-speaking areas to ensure that both are receiving the maximum amount of profitability possible.
The ever-enlarging online Hispanic market is reachable and important to all small and medium-sized businesses. It can’t be ignored. Those niche marketing companies and Hispanic market specialists that can add value to your overall marketing strategy belong on your marketing team. They will help make your Spanish SEM efforts successful and they will do so while allowing you to focus on your areas of expertise. Once the ROI of your Spanish language site is fully understood, adjustments can be made to make sure that you’re reaching the Hispanic audience in the way you intend to.
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Using Less Popular Keywords To Reach The Hispanic Audience
No matter what language your Web site is in, effective search engine optimization will determine how successful it is on the Internet. Over 70% of Internet users find a Web site by using a search engine. At certain times of the year, this number can be even higher. Any Web site owner today must be knowledgeable about search engine optimization strategies and keyword analysis.
The breadth of optimization for English keywords is staggering. In the background, Spanish keywords are usually ignored by SEO experts. On the Internet, it’s difficult to get an advantage over competitive. Millions of people are fighting for any small advantage they can gain over competitors, but they’re wholly ignoring keyword analysis and optimization for Spanish keywords.
Keyword Analysis and Optimization for Spanish-language sites
Optimizing for the Hispanic market requires the same type of methods and dedication that optimizing for the English language requires. You pick the keywords that best describe your Web site and you optimize for those keywords.
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One mistake many site owners make is trying to optimize only for keywords that are widely searched for. In doing so, they select only the keywords that millions of other people have optimized for. It’s like trying to take on Wal-mart with a corner store. It isn’t going to work. The Google Keyword Suggestion tool can aid site owners by allowing them to see keywords that draw in a small, medium, or large number of visitors and then optimize their sites accordingly. There are Spanish words and phrases that will be more effective in bringing in a large number of visitors, simply because a site owner has taken the time to determine dozens of smaller keywords that no one else was smart enough to optimize their site for. Odd phrases that have been used, as well as common typos, will be listed in Google’s keyword suggestion tool and give Spanish Web site owners a significant advantage over competitors.
There is another advantage to choosing less popular keywords: They cost less than major keywords and keyword phrases. Simply by going small, you save money. This strategy of bidding on targeted phrases is usually referred to as the long tail or search tail strategy. It’s highly recommended for small businesses who want to do well in their Spanish SEO endeavors. Becoming familiar with Spanish grammar will help you excel in this type of strategy. Know the way the Spanish language operates and you will be able to more successfully market to the people who speak the language.
Selecting the wrong keywords for your Web site can result in your Web site being invisible to the Hispanic community it needs to reach. No matter what kind of content or product you have to offer, you’re doomed without proper keyword analysis and optimization. It is very important for any small business to plot its keyword strategy from the beginning of their project, or as soon as possible after they’ve learned of these important principles of Hispanic search engine marketing.
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Successfully marketing your Web site to a Spanish audience requires expertise, dedication, and research. It’s important to choose the right company to optimize your Web site. Your success will be determined by how well this company translates and markets for your Hispanic audience. They need to understand important concepts about demographics, translations, and attitudes so that they can effectively make your Web site findable in search engines and effective in reaching a Hispanic audience. A large following of Hispanic shoppers spells huge profits for your business. It’s important to get it right.
Spanish-speaking people often have trouble finding what they’re looking for on the Internet. They type a key word into a search engine and can’t find the product or service they need because no one has optimized their Web site for a Spanish-speaking audience. You can change that. By making Spanish SEO a high priority for your business, you will show up on the first pages of search engine results and give Spanish-speaking customers a place to go when they need what you have to offer.
Your SEO should be targeted to a Hispanic audience. This will ensure that you rank high in search engines. A company with experience in Spanish SEO is the best way to achieve this goal. They will analyze your specific Spanish market and help you rank high for Hispanic key word content that will help you be discovered by your target audience.
Optimizing your Small Business Spanish Web Site for Success
You can target the Hispanic market by creating a Web site that is specially designed to cater to a demographic that is largely neglected on the Internet. It spells marketing success for you. A good company will help you re-design your Spanish Web site so that it is optimized for search engines and friendly to visitors. Your search engine rankings will improve dramatically.
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There are many different cultures within the Spanish language market. A good SEO company will understand this principle and optimize key words for all sub-markets.
Targeting the online Hispanic market through a web site that is designed specifically for this growing demographic is a savvy step in the right direction toward marketing success. You can take this good idea a step further, by intentionally reworking your Spanish web site in order to incorporate targeted Hispanic SEO content, aimed at improving your search engine rankings.
Competing for Keywords in English and Spanish
Your Web site traffic can experience limitless growth if you hire a company that properly optimizes your Web site for a Spanish audience. Once you’ve pinpointed your target sub-market, your English-Spanish translation can begin to take shape.
Understanding your sub-market enables you to select the proper keywords that they typically type into search engines. You’ll be able to take advantage of these keywords in English and Spanish. Often, businesses will create one Web site in English and one Web site in Spanish. No matter how you incorporate Spanish SEO, it’s going to pay off.
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Link Building Fundamentals: Reaching Out To Your Hispanic Customers
There is a large portion of the Internet population that marketers leave out of their link building strategies. Even though there are an increasing number of Spanish-speaking Internet users eager to enjoy the many new forms of digital entertainment available, few search engine optimization companies market to this audience. Social networking and instant streaming of audio and video content made the Internet a playground for people of all nationalities. Unfortunately, until now most SEO specialists only focused on English-speaking users when optimizing the content of their clients. That’s slowly changing.
Enlightened companies who perform extensive research for clients know that link building strategies must include Spanish and English customer-bases. The volume of and quality of traffic improves when a particular Web site or page is optimized for a specific audience. A neglected Spanish-speaking audience will be thankful to companies who include them in link building strategies and make sure that sites are optimized for their benefit. This new demographic is virtually ignored by almost everyone. The company that changes this will be rewarded by an Hispanic community that deserves to welcomed as visitors.
Social networking is an especially rich field of Spanish SEO opportunities. The Hispanic community frequents social networking platforms around the world. The many different Hispanic communities share a heritage and experience hardships together that can be discussed after they join these communities. General friendship, entertainment, and even activism can be a part of the Hispanic social networking community that brings together people from a similar background to strengthen their bonds. Hispanic Seo specialists can capitalize on these communities and the content they produce. They will help bring customers to you.
Optimizing for an audience that needs you
Owners of Spanish-language Web sites are now advised to invest in Spanish search engine optimization endeavors. Spanish-friendly Web site content attracts a largely neglected market to your business and creates an entirely new and more productive business landscape for your company.
Link building strategies are first and foremost on the list of SEO plans. Targeting keywords to a Spanish audience is usually a great success because those keywords are almost always ignored by competitors. While they’re sleeping, you can win over an Hispanic market they left behind. The result for you is profit due to an increase in customers and a more loyal customer-base due to your efforts to cater to a community that needed you.
The Hispanic market has been expanding for some time and online Hispanic communities will continue to expand in years to come. If you haven’t focused your SEO efforts on reaching this community, it’s urgent that you do so now, before it becomes standard practice for all companies. Hispanic marketing agencies and Hispanic market advisors are anxious to help you connect with Hispanic communities in order to help your business and the communities themselves. Advisors can help you create a link building strategy for your Hispanic customers that will work for your business.
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It’s hard for Webmasters to create a Web site that distinguishes itself from other small or medium businesses. There are millions of businesses struggling to stand out in a crowd. One of the most effective ways to do this is often overlooked. A significant portion of potential customers are being neglected because they speak Spanish. Web sites tend to optimize for English-speaking audiences while ignoring their Spanish customer-base. This cripples many small and medium businesses. The Hispanic demographic is one of the fasted growing demographics on the Internet.
Reaching Your Spanish Audience with Viral Campaigns
Viral marketing is one of the most affordable ways to reach your Hispanic audience. By providing your Hispanic visitors with high quality Spanish content, they will spread the word about a business that cares for them and makes sure they can purchase the things they need. Huge profits can be made through viral marketing. Just by operating a visitor-friendly, interesting Web site, you can attract millions of visitors to your goods and services.
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It’s advisable to research the kinds of interests and preferences your Hispanic audience possesses. What color schemes do they respond to? What kind of navigation system do they prefer? What additional information do they like to have before they purchase an item? By making the Web site intriguing, possibly interactive, they will find content worth passing along to friends.
Attracting Local Hispanic Visitors
Spanish SEO strategies should begin with local ambitions. Targeting keywords to local Hispanic communities and the trends that exist in those communities can be very profitable to businesses. It works. When Spanish people search online, they often search for products in a local area. Use this to your advantage. Geographic-specific info can include zip codes, cities, states, names, or landmarks. By targeting for these keywords, you greatly increase your chances of being discovered by your Hispanic audience. Search engines will reward you for your search engine optimization tactics by bringing in fresh customers that appreciate a business that welcomes Spanish shoppers. There is nothing more relieving than finally finding a store that carries a long sought-after product. It stays in the mind of the customer for a long time and draws them back to the business that ended their frustrating search.
Read the "Hispanics in the US" presentation created by the Ethnicity and Ancestry Branch using the 2006 Census.
Keeping Up With The Latest Trends
Constantly research the culture you’re selling to. They will tell you exactly what they want from you. New trends in music, apparel, and other goods and services will travel quickly through a community. Study what they want from your Web site and make sure it’s available to them. Local communities have certain fashion and music trends that larger businesses simply ignore. You can capitalize on these trends by listening to the wants and needs of the community. When larger businesses ignore them, supply them with what they want. This can increase Web site traffic, profits, and long-term customers that are grateful to you for listening.
If you are interested in attracting the right Hispanic audience, you may want to contact a company that can help you achieve your goal. Hispanic Market Advisors, for instance, can work with you to create a search engine optimization strategy that will benefit your business and the many Hispanic communities you will serve throughout the years.